Mills, Joshua

Power Portals: Awaken Your Connection To The Spirit Realm -- by Joshua Mills

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Within a power portal, we may experience a sudden realization of God’s presence, an abundance of healing, spontaneous joy, signs and wonders, angelic activity, an increase in spiritual dreams and visions, or extravagant provision.
Some portals can be activated in our own bodies through the mind, eyes and ears, mouth, heart, innermost being, hands, and feet. There are also direct heavenly portals and geographical portals, special places where we can experience the release of God’s power.
Joshua’s writing is filled with amazing personal stories of the supernatural at work. Get ready to awaken your connection to the Spirit realm. Get ready to encounter Power Portals!

Product Details

Paperback: 224 Pages
ISBN/UPC: 628855006499
Publisher: Whitaker House Publication

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About the Artist

Joshua MillsJoshua Mills is an internationally recognized ordained minister of the Gospel, recording artist, keynote conference speaker, best-selling author and visionary who worships and preaches by standing within the cloud and ministering directly from the glory unto the people.  Wherever he goes the Lord confirms His Word with miraculous signs and wonders that testify of Jesus Christ.  Traveling to more than sixty nations around the world, he has been creating a realm of glory wherever he goes, with a clear message that "praise changes the atmosphere."  Joshua and his wife, Janet, have ministered to millions around the world through radio, television and online webcasts.  They currently reside in London, Ontario, Canada along with their children; Lincoln, Liberty and Legacy.

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